

Welcome to the Universology website. This site is dedicated to the study of the Universe and the human spirit and the search for a greater understanding of life, the Universe and everything. One of the concepts offered here is that all of the heretofore established religions and cults are nothing more than fairytales invented by Man to explain existence, to help dispel the fear of death and to comfort people in their daily lives. None of them are based on facts or evidence but on faith and fear.

I will attempt to take an objective look at this subject and hopefully stimulate some thought and logical reasoning.First of all, we must come to realize that there is no such thing as Universal Good or Universal Evil. There is only “right action” and “wrong action” in human terms. In other words, good and bad are defined by what is beneficial or detrimental to human beings as defined by their current social situation. What is “good” or “bad” in human terms may not be so when looked at from a Universal, objective perspective. For example, if we take the current situation on the planet Earth – humans, at least at this point in time, are bad for the planet. We are fouling the atmosphere and water, we are depleting the resources and if we don’t get our act together we may destroy it altogether. So in this sense, human beings are nothing more than a parasite on the face of the Earth. A bad thing. So you can see that good and bad are relative in the Universal sense. You have to think about “good for whom” or “bad for what”. If we could ask the dodo bird or the spotted owl or the ivory-billed woodpecker, they would probably say that humans are evil beings.

As for religions, they have for the most part been bad for human beings not good. More wars have been fought and more cruelties perpetrated on human beings in the name of religion than for all other reasons combined. People have been tortured and killed throughout history in the name of God. My idea of what religion should be about is a far cry from that kind of behavior. People may say that sort of thing is in the past and that people didn’t understand the “true” religion. I say that sort of thing is alive and well today. One has but to look at the so-called religious right, the Evangelical Christians or the Jerry Falwell followers to see it. If these vicious, bigoted racists had their way we would again have The Inquisition. We would again have witch-hunts, torture and murder in the name of Christ. If these people had their way homosexuals, non-Christians and freethinking liberals would be in deep trouble. In my mind they are the greatest threat to America and to the world today.

I’ve chosen to talk about Christianity first because it is the dominant religion in America and the one most people who will read this are familiar with. I will address other so-called “faiths” later. In my mind, I find it very hard to comprehend why anyone would accept Christianity. One of the main precepts is that if you don’t believe you will suffer in the fires of Hell for all eternity. You will be tortured and burn and be in excruciating pain – FOREVER. Is this the behavior of a compassionate, loving God that we are told about? Doesn’t this sound just a little like cruel and unusual punishment? To quote Bertrand Russell:“I must say that I think all this doctrine, that hell-fire is a punishment for sin, is a doctrine of cruelty. It is a doctrine that put cruelty into the world and gave the world generations of cruel torture; and the Christ of the Gospels, if you could take Him as His chroniclers represent Him, would certainly have to be considered partly responsible for that."Mr. Russell has a slightly more tolerant view than I. Personally I have nothing but contempt for Christianity and for most other religions as well. How can any supposedly intelligent human being accept such nonsense?

How could any person with even the slightest compassion and kindness condone, praise and even “worship” a being that would inflict such tortures on mankind? To me, this is nothing more than scare tactics to force people to follow Christian doctrines out of fear. How can anyone give legitimacy to a religion that is based on fear?I have a lot of other problems with the Christian religion. In the bible it says that the Jews are God’s “chosen people”. Why would a God show preference for one group over another? Aren’t we all supposed to be “God’s children”? The God of the Christian bible condoned and encouraged the killing of “Philistines” and “Midianites” and others and the taking of their women. That would be a violation of international law today, a violation of the ethics of war (if there can be such a thing) and the Geneva Convention. The Christian God is also vain, jealous and vengeful. Not very good qualities for a “loving” God in my opinion.

Christianity relegates billions of Bhudists, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, Jainists, Shintoists and all the others to an eternal burning hell. There could never be a more bigoted concept!It should be obvious to all that Christianity is not that different than Islam. The Islamic fundamentalists and the Christian fundamentalists are one and the same. Americans see the Islamic movement as a threat and an evil that must be fought against. These people teach that terrorists who die fighting the infidel Christians will be rewarded in heaven with glory and scores of virgins. Is Christianity any better? I think not. I think it’s only different. Islam teaches that women are inferior and that people must follow rituals to gain favor with God. Christianity and Judaism are just as bad in my mind. Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism seem slightly better but they are also rooted in ritualism and stem from archaic legends.To me it is very obvious what this is all about. It’s about primitive, millennia-old fairytales and superstitions written down by primitive people being perpetuated through the ages by fear and ignorance.

With this website I hope to dispel some of that fear and ignorance and offer alternatives.Below are some of the principles of Universology:All religions are myths and should be rejected by intelligent, objective, freethinking human beings. A Universal Being may exist but he/she/it - is unlike anything ever imagined by humans in the past.There is no Universal “Good and Evil”. Everything we do, be it good or bad in human terms is a part of the learning process. There is no such thing as “Sin”.Keep in mind that this is MY interpretation of things and these are MY beliefs - at the present time. Each person should come to their own conclusions based on contemplation and logical, objective thinking and not just accept someone else’s ideas. You are as capable as anyone else of determining what is right and true. Don’t take anyone else’s word for anything and especially don’t blindly accept something just because it’s generally accepted by others. Question EVERYTHING, never be satisfied. I know from experience that what you believe today may seem silly tomorrow after discovering new ideas.Once you can understand and come to terms with the fact that religions are just fairytales and superstitions, you can begin to grow and start the process of seeking answers through logical, objective contemplation of the Universe and human existence.

Once you can accept this idea and stop worrying about giving offense to God or not performing the proper rituals or not thinking “pure” thoughts or whatever other fears you may have due to religious indoctrination, then you can be open to new concepts and ideas that are based on logic rather than superstition and myth. You will find a new freedom and a new purpose in life and you will be more content and at ease.One tool is logical thinking. Try to look at any idea or concept from completely objective point of view. Ask yourself “does this make sense?”. Can it pass the test of logic? Am I looking at this from a truly objective point of view or am I injecting my own prejudiced ideas into it? Look at it from different angles, from the perspective of other people, from your own prospective, from the perspective of generations to come and of the Universe as a whole. Dissect it from every possible angle. Then wait a few days and do it all over again until you feel sure it has passed every possible test of rationality and logic and that you do not just want to accept it because you are predisposed to it for emotional reasons. Be flexible and open-minded. If something doesn’t seem quite right don’t be afraid to make changes in your thinking. Be open to new ideas and embrace them if they can pass the test of logic. Everything in the Universe makes logical sense if you think about it and study it. Established religions do not make sense. They rely on “faith”, blind acceptance of things that are totally ridiculous when looked at logically.